Goodyear's Malaysian Subsidiary Shutters Operation Accused of Illegal Labor Practices

In March 2024, a Goodyear subsidiary in Shah Alam, Malaysia closed its tire-manufacturing plant after workers reached a settlement agreement in 2022 compensating them. The company stated that it was closing its doors due to cost cutting strategies. Two years prior to the settlement, a Searby client led a civil society investigation into alleged labor rights violations involving hundreds of foreign migrant workers.

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Searby Law Advocates to Preserve Ukrainian Mountain Range

Searby PLLC, acting as a agent of a foreign principal registered with the Department of Justice for Bruno Manser Fonds (BMF), a Swiss NGO, continues to take action to protect a Ukrainian mountain range from harmful development. Europe's last mostly-pristine natural landscape known for its biodiversity, virgin forests, highland meadows, mountain lakes and rivers, the Carpathian Mountains face danger from plans for new ski resorts that lack long-term economic feasibility but that will provide short-term profits to controversial developers and their associates.

Swiss NGO, Searby Law Lobby Capitol Hill About FBI Building Leased from Foreign Owners Tied to Deforestation

In January and February 2024, Bruce Searby acting as an agent of a foreign principal registered with the Department of Justice for Bruno Manser Fonds (BMF), a Swiss NGO, lobbied several Senate and House members on Capitol Hill to examine more closely the FBI's lease of an office tower in Seattle tied to Malaysian ownership. BMF has contended for years that the building likely belonged to the powerful politician Abdul Taib Mahmud, under whose leadership there occurred epic deforestation.

NGO Meetings with Justice Department, Export Control Violations Are the Subject of Article Quoting Bruce Searby

On December 21, 2023, Global investigations Review quoted Bruce Searby about the practice of Non-Governmental Organizations providing actionable information to U.S Justice Department and other government investigators. The article described a Ukrainian NGO’s meetings with U.S. officials about export control violations contributing to the war against Ukraine.


Searby Law Obtains Lift of Department of Justice's Restraint On Ukrainian Company's Operating Funds

In early September 2023, Bruce Searby persuaded the U.S. Department of Justice to lift a restraint placed on the bank account of a company with operating funds located in the United States. The restraint, which related to an ongoing overseas investigation, had threatened to bankrupt the Ukraine-based company employing a large number of workers there.

Bruce Searby Testifies at "Rainforest Tribunal" Examining Culpability for Epic Deforestation in Malaysia

On August 15, 2023, Bruce Searby testified at the First Rainforest Tribunal in Basel, Switzerland. Essentially a "show trial." the tribunal aimed to examine the deforestation crisis in the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, particularly its impact on indigenous communities. Searby's testimony higlighted red flags for money laudering in a Seattle office tower leased to the FBI. (Min. 31)

Bruce Searby Speaking at the Request of the Bruno Manser Fund at the Basel Rainforest Tribunal in Basel, Switzerland

On August 15, 2023 Bruce Searby will be speaking at the upcoming Basel Rainforest Tribunal convened by the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) of Switzerland. The event drawing participants from around the world, is set to scrutinize the extensive deforestation in Sarawak, Borneo. Searby's presentation will contribute to the Tribunal's goal of examining the consequences of rampant exploitation of the rainforest on both the environment and the indigenous people.

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